Webinar: Using the Galaxy Platform in Large Scale Experiments
25th April 2024
Register here: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_o4Meo_9DRYuksm4S5bd2EQ
This webinar continues our look at our pathfinder activities in the current phase. The subject of this webinar is pathfinder 7 and will discuss how their software helps in workflows containing large data sets generated by simulations and experiments at national facilities. This webinar will be presented by Leandro Liborio from STFC, Harwell
The post-processing of experimental and simulation data, associated to large scale experiments performed at national facilities, requires that different software tools from various domains are connected into workflows. These workflows can be quite complex and, in this webinar, I will present the web-based, open-source, Galaxy platform and show how we use it to manage the software tools and data associated to these workflows.
Galaxy is a platform for FAIR data analysis that enable users to: run code in interactive environments; share and publish results, workflows and their associated visualizations; and ensure the reproducibility of their results by capturing and packaging data, metadata and provenance models required for repeating and understanding their data analyses.
In this talk, I will present examples of applications of the Galaxy platform for managing software tools and data associated to muon science and catalysis experiments.
Leandro is a member of the Theoretical and Computational Physics Group (TCPG) working at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, in Harwell, Oxfordshire, UK. He is currently working on research projects in collaboration with the muon spectroscopy community, which utilise a powerful experimental technique that has the ability to probe the atomic local structure and magnetic environment in different materials.
Before joining the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, he worked as Scientific Advisor at the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford; as trainee patent attorney and patent assistant for the British firms Marks & Clerk and Boult; as a Research Associate at Imperial College London and as an editor and freelance science writer for Form and Content Media Limited, a London-based media company.
Register for this webinar directly through zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_o4Meo_9DRYuksm4S5bd2EQ
The pathfinders aim to focus development in strategic areas with the aim to explore and establish exemplar systems that can be brought under the PSDI umbrella and act as templates for future phases of the project.
The PSDI team looks forward to seeing you at the webinar, if you have any questions you can always get in contact with us.