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Communications and Training
Work package 2 was led by Nicola Knight. This work package continued the extensive community engagement activities begun in the PSDI pilot project. The aim was to continue to develop community interest, both deepening the involvement of those already involved and broaden awareness into wider groups. It also engaged with other projects in the DRI programme to adopt existing solutions where applicable and ensure the widest possible applicability of the tools developed in the PSDI.

In this work package, we focused on a number of key areas in this Phase of work
- Outreach and engagement programme. The Hub will expand the broad programme of engagement with research communities, infrastructure providers, and industrial and international initiatives that was begun in the pilot phase. Engagement with UKRI infrastructure providers will be key in achieving effective data integration across a variety of sources and across research disciplines. International engagement will ensure interoperability with relevant infrastructures overseas.
- Advice and Support. PSDI worked with existing (e.g. EBI) and emergent (e.g. Royce Materials 4.0) digital infrastructures to identify new approaches that leverage its Hub services and resources.
- Website and Social Media. PSDI stakeholders were kept informed via channels including the PSDI website, social media, webinars, publications, conferences etc.
- Skills and Training. Working with other initiatives across the UKRI DRI people and skills theme and beyond, PSDI will design, coordinate and deliver initial training programmes for researchers.
- Interoperation. This workpackage also coordinated with other DRI initiatives and related activities to avoid duplication of infrastructure components developed elsewhere, for example, in hardware provision, networking, and AAAI.
In Phase 2 we will commence targeted engagement and training on a practical level with the PSDI Hub and resources. This will be aimed at technically on-boarding new communities, implementing PSDI approaches in their research workflows and empowering them to develop their own tools and resources based on PSDI.