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Stakeholder Engagement

Work Package 2 was lead by Barbara Montanari.  This work package carried out stakeholder engagement with the main objective of gathering requirements that informed the plan for phase 2 that was prepared under Work Package 1.  This activity ran the majority of the project communications including events, social media and community updates.  It also undertook a program of stakeholder engagement events to receive input from the wide range of stakeholders.  Including running workshops around different data themes and engaging with communities on a group and individual level.  These engagement activities allow us to elicit requirements from communities.

Nationally, the focus of this first engagement phase was mainly in the PS research and computing/software infrastructure domains.  Engagement with other data infrastructure initiatives in other domains and overseas was also undertaken in order to learn from other experiences and to design the PSDI so that it can be linked with data infrastructures across UKRI in a future phase.  In addition to the categories of stakeholders represented by the heading of the four pillars, we also engaged with further potential users of the PSDI not currently organised in established networks, the EPSRC compute and software infrastructure (including ARCHER2, SSI, RSEs, etc), relevant institutes such as the ATI, and industry (including data infrastructure vendors).


In WP2 we ran a variety of different activities to engage with the community in different ways.  These included:

  • Workshop events
  • Presentations at community events
  • Focus Groups
  • Interviews
  • Surveys

We will update the website with outputs from these different activities as they become available.


The intended outputs from WP2 were:

  • Reports from each community event
  • Landscape analysis
  • Synthesis of community requirements

Industry Engagement Report

As part of the pilot work, an industry engagement report was produced by Ron Swart and Simon Coles of the University of Southampton.  This report focused on the potential of PSDI engagement with industry and how this could be approached.  The report can be found on this webpage, with a pdf download also available.
