Data needs in research are growing at previously unimaginable rates and the need for collaboration around data has never been clearer. However, in the Physical Sciences, many research bodies, from large facility to laboratory, have their own data infrastructure with limited ability to share, integrate and reuse data across systems. PSDI aims to provide a data infrastructure that connects existing experimental and computational facilities within Physical Sciences and beyond. PSDI is currently in a development phase, heading towards operation of initial services in 2025.

In the longer term PSDI aims to enable:

  • A platform for data collection, sharing, aggregation, integration and curation
  • Supporting analysis across experimental simulation and reference data
  • Combining and enhancing existing data infrastructures
  • Sustaining data resources beyond the lifespan of individual research projects

At the Townhall event on 20th June 2024 we showcased some of the development activities going on in PSDI that move us towards the goals of PSDI. This townhall event is a key mechanism for us to gather feedback from the community and provide information on how to get more involved with PSDI activities. PSDI is driven by community needs, so this two-way relationship is vital to PSDI continuing to provide for the community.

The Demonstrators

During the Townhall there were 4 main groups demonstrating the work they are contributing to PSDI. The demonstrators are specific showcases of work within PSDI and only a small snapshot of the work that is being carried out in PSDI and under development for release in 2025. Please use the links below to access more information about these demonstrators, as well as links to services and which members of the teams are present at this Townhall so that you can chat with them.

The Posters

Please use the images below to access full size versions of the posters that were presented at the Townhall. Some of them are linked to specific demonstrators, others are not.

Guidance, Training and Community

IT services in consideration

Data to Knowledge

Biomolecular Simulation Workflows

We are looking for feedback both from those people who attended the Townhall, but also from the wider community. You can find links to feedback methods for individual demonstrators on their respective pages. Following the Townhall there will be additional content added to these webpages, including inks to provide more general feedback and we would appreciate those being filled out. As always if you want to contact the PSDI team you can do so via the contact us form.
