Webinar: Introduction to PSDI

Webinar: Introduction to PSDI

Welcome to the Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI) webinar series. This webinar series is designed to communicate the PSDI work to a wider audience!

In the first webinar of the series we will be presenting a broad introduction to PSDI. If you are wondering what PSDI is working on, then this webinar will be an excellent introduction for you. In this webinar we will cover the vision of the project, an overview of the work we have undertaken in the PSDI pilot, the work we are currently undertaking and where we are focusing in the shorter term. Future webinars will focus in more depth on specific elements of the project. Our second webinar running in July will focus more on work undertaken in work package 4 through our pathfinders.

This webinar will be a presentation from the PSDI team with a chance for those attending to ask questions at the end, the webinar will be recorded and a copy of the recording is now available on the PSDI Youtube Channel – you can subscribe to the channel to find out when future videos go live.

The PSDI team looks forward to seeing you at the webinar, if you have any questions you can always get in contact with us.

Watch the recording

You can watch the recording of this webinar via our Youtube Channel.
