PSDI Updates: August 2023

Home » PSDI Updates: August 2023

Aug 11, 2023

In this Newsletter: Webinar Recordings | Upcoming PSDI Presentations | Notetaking Survey

Webinar Recordings

Recordings and slidedecks are available for our first two PSDI Webinars!


If you (or any other interested people) weren't able to attend our PSDI webinars you can catch up on these via our YouTube Channel.
Introduction to PSDI:
Slidedeck on Zenodo:
Pathfinder 2 - Process Recording:
Slidedeck on Zenodo:

Our webinar series will not run any events in August / early September as this is very busy with the conference circuit and annual leave. We are just finalising slots for the autumn events and will have announcements out about these on our website (and also via the mailing list).

You can keep an eye on our events page: and if you have any suggestions on events you would like to see us run, please get in contact with us:


Upcoming PSDI Presentations

Members of the PSDI team are going to be attending / presenting at a number of upcoming events, so if you are attending please come chat to us about the project.

These presentations include, among others:

ACS Fall 2023

  • We don’t talk about semantic web technologies - Dr Samantha Kanza - Sunday 13th August 2.05pm (Pacific Time)
  • Mirror mirror on the wall who is the FAIRest of them all? - Professor Jeremy Frey - Monday 14th August 8.05am (Pacific Time)
  • Electronic lab notebooks and beyond! The evolution of process recording tools for scientific research - Dr Samantha Kanza - Monday 14th August 10.10am (Pacific Time)
  • UK Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI) initiative - Professor Jeremy Frey - Monday 14th August 2.25pm (Pacific Time)

2023 IUCr XXVI

  • Professor Simon Coles will present and contribute to several sessions at IUCr in Melbourne.

1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI)

  • Dr Nicola Knight will present 'Connecting Infrastructures: The Physical Sciences Data Infrastructure (PSDI) in the UK' on Wednesday 13th September at CoRDI in Karlsruhe.

Notetaking Survey

A reminder that we are currently running a process recording survey! This only takes a few minutes to fill out and will only be open until the 10th Sept, so please fill this out if you haven't already!


Do your record notes for your research? Do you use any sort of software for this? E.g. OneNote, Electronic Lab Notebooks, Other? If so you please complete this survey! We would be very grateful if you would fill out (and circulate) our 5 minute survey on Process Recording Tools.

We have received full ethics approval from the University of Southampton Ethics and Research Governance Team (Ergo/FEPS/80887) to run this survey. If you have any questions about this survey please email Dr Samantha Kanza ([email protected])

