Science and Technology Facilities Council
The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) is a world-leading multidisciplinary science organisation, and our goal is to deliver economic, societal, scientific and international benefits to the UK and its people – and more broadly to the world. This is done through funding university research, providing access with world-leading facilities and working with partners to promote academic and industrial collaboration.
Our large-scale scientific facilities in the UK and Europe are used by more than 3,500 users each year, carrying out more than 2,000 experiments and generating around 900 publications. The facilities provide a range of research techniques using neutrons, muons, lasers and X-rays, and high performance computing and complex analysis of large data sets.
They are used by scientists across a huge variety of science disciplines ranging from the physical and heritage sciences to medicine, biosciences, the environment, energy, and more. These facilities provide a massive productivity boost for UK science, as well as unique capabilities for UK industry.
PSDI is a large project spread across multiple institutions, departments and geographic sites, primarily based at the University of Southampton and STFC. Due to the size of the project, the key responsibilities have been split across the primary institutions. STFC is leading work packages 1, 2 and 3, the technical work packages, and will be contributing to work package 4. The STFC contingent of PSDI is based at both the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Harwell, Oxfordshire and the Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire.